. what is a noun ? .

The definition of a noun is a word that is used to define a person, animal or living object, place, thing or quality.

There are many different kinds of nouns in English.

Common Nouns - general nouns such as cat, bowl, hand, tree clock etc.

Countable Nouns - nouns that can be counted, such as car-cars, child-children etc.

Uncountable Nouns - nouns that can't be counted, such as water, fire, air etc.

Collective Nouns - nouns that refer to a group of things or people such as family, police, worker's union etc.

Proper Nouns - nouns that refer to a specific name of a person, corporation, company, product, such as IBM, Microsoft, Mr. David Green, Dr. Mary Jones.

Concrete Nouns - a noun that is a physical object, something that can be touched, seen, such as an animal, window, table, computer etc.

Abstract Nouns - is a noun is not a physical object, it can't be touched physically. They are ideas and feelings such as intelligence, love, hate, bravery etc.

                                             Example :

Posted by : Teacher Syu Syu :)


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